Common Financial Mistakes to Avoid During Divorce

Divorce is often an emotionally charged and challenging experience that can have far-reaching consequences on your financial well-being. While it's natural to feel overwhelmed during this difficult time, it's crucial to approach financial decisions with clarity and foresight. In this article we discuss some of the most common financial mistakes people make during divorce and how to avoid them.
Discover effective strategies to maximise your tax return, including claiming all eligible deductions, understanding home office expense claims, obtaining a depreciation report for investment properties, lodging your return early for refunds and timing your bonus income.
Learn how to enhance your retirement savings and reduce your tax bill with superannuation planning strategies such as understanding contribution caps, making catch-up contributions, taking advantage of government co-contributions and spouse contributions.
With the Stage 3 Tax Cuts just around the corner, now's the time to start thinking about what these changes mean for you. Whether you're running your own business or managing your household budget, understanding these tax adjustments could make a big difference to your finances. From paying less tax to finding new ways to save and invest, these changes are designed to make things a bit easier for many of us. Let's dive into how you can prepare and make the most of the opportunities these tax cuts are bringing to the table.
Unless you have been hiding somewhere, you will have seen and heard a lot about the changes to the ‘stage 3 tax cuts’ that the Commonwealth recently announced. Two thirds of people support the changes. So, what are they?